Our Environmental Commitment

As Çimbeton, we aim at sustainable development in all our activities, and consider the protection of nature and the use of secondary resources as our primary responsibility.

We Use Alternative Raw Materials

By determining the waste that can be used as alternative raw materials (fly ash, blast furnace slag, recycled aggregate) and alternative additives in our concrete production processes; we are working to minimize our use of natural raw materials.

We Established a Zero Waste System

With the establishment of recycling aggregate units built in all our plants, the trainings we provided and the regular internal controls, we have significantly reduced our carbon footprint.


We prepare rehabilitation and closure plans for all our active mining activities, and we continuously monitor and report biodiversity, putting nature conservation in our focus. We regularly continue our forestation works for a liveable future in the regions where we operate.

Water Resources, Water Use, Waste-water Discharge

In this context, no wastewater is generated from the production process, only domestic wastewater is generated and is managed within the framework of the relevant legislation. We know the value of water, one of our most important natural resources, and we ensure the reuse of the collected water with the rainwater collection pools that we continue to set up in different regions.

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