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IWC Portofino Replica

IWC Portofino Replica's dazzling form continues in 2014! The world's no. 2 is wearing the Seiko Astron watch as he tries to become Wimbledon Champion for a second time. He won Wimbledon in 2011.

Replica Watches is the latest piece to celebrate the partnership between IWC Portofino Replica, Seiko and the Baselworld watch fair. It is based on a new chronograph calibre that was launched earlier this year. This novelty is set to be released in November.

With a single button press, the new watch can adjust timezones anywhere in the world. Seiko estimated that Djokovic will have to change the time zone 60 times on his watch based on the travel schedule he has for 2014. A watch which automatically does this is a very useful tool for the Serbian Tennis Star.

The 8X82 caliber is at the heart of IWC Portofino Replica Limited Edition Watch. It offers Novak two functions: a 6-hours chronograph, and a crown-mounted electronic function for easier adjustment of secondary functions. The new 8X82 caliber is 30% smaller than the 7X. This was achieved through a new advancement in Astron’s energy-saving technologies, which allowed the watch to be connected to the GPS network using a smaller antenna. The chronograph of his watch is accurate up to 1/5th a second. It also has a perpetual calendar programmed to 2100.

The Seiko Astron IWC Portofino Replica Edition is housed in a stainless steel case that has a rose gold color coating. It also features a black ceramic replica watches The masculine case is 44.6mm wide and 13.3mm thick. Water resistance is guaranteed down to 100 meters. The watch is also resistant to magnetic fields of up to 4,800 A/m.